JG Lucas
RF Engineering
RF Lectures
RF Laboratory
RF Tutorial
Antennas Lectures
Antennas Laboratory
Antennas Tutorial
JG Lucas
Joe Sepetauc
JG Rathmell
JG Rathmell

 Fields & Waves

 Fields & Waves

Prof JG Lucas

Note: These courses are no longer presented at The University of Sydney.

Having Lectured in the area of "Fields and Waves" for more than 40 years I have (necessarily!) developed some alternative explanations for some of the more difficult concepts. Up until 2012 my lecture material has been freely-available on the Web and it has always been fun to receive queries about a particular step in some development from a student located in a faraway place like Timbuktu! Writing that textbook has always been a mountain too far for me and really there are so many superb texts availablebut, in my retirement, there may be time to create a useful web resource, so here goes.

Professor Godfrey Lucas    Lecturer                 jglucas76@gmail.com                                       www.godfreylucas.com.au

Joseph Sepatauc                  Lab Manager        sepetauc.joseph@gmail.com

Tobias Messina                     Tutor                      tmes7400@uni.sydney.edu.au

Dr James Rathmell              Assistant               james.rathmell@sydney.edu.au                      www.ee.usyd.edu.au/people/jim.rathmell